
As a professional association, the DGHWi has representatives on many relevant committees. Involvement in congresses, conferences, meetings and working groups are not only the remit of the Executive Board. Mandates are awarded to committed and competent members of the DGHWi. The elected mandate holders represent the DGHWi and its interests at scientific and political events. Thanks to this exceptional engagement, the DGHWi is well-represented on multiple important platforms.

Are you a member of the DGHWi and interested in taking on a mandate? Please contact

Below is a list of the current mandates:

Current mandates (German)

Past mandates (German)

Runder Tisch "Geburtshilfe" der Ministerin für Gesundheit, Emanzipation, Pflege und Alter des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (2015)

Rainhild Schäfers hat als Vertreterin der DGHWi daran teilgenommen.
Der Abschlussbericht liegt vor.

1. Runder Tisch "Geburt und Familie" des Thüringer Ministeriums für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit, Frauen und Familie (TMASGFF) (Dezember 2015)

Ansprechpartnerin: Dr. Gertrud Ayerle

4. Mai 2025

HEBA-PÄD in Münster